Signature confirmation is required in order to receive the item. If no one is available to sign for the item, the post office will hold it for pick up.
Return Policy
7 day money back guarantee.
Buyer pays return shipping cost.
Item must be in same condition when it was bought.
Immediate refund upon return.
NOTE: All 10k karat style jewelry will be stamped with either 10k or 417 stamp. 417 is another way of defining 10k, 417 is the gold purity contained in 10k which is 41.7% pure gold. Both 10k and 417 stamps can be use interchangeably.
it’s very small but I love it, if your into dainty necklaces i definitely suggest this one.
Nicole Acensio
Very Beautiful just thought it would be a bit bigger like it said... But I love it.
Amber Ozorkwere
I got this as a birthday gift for my bestfriend it’s Itty bitty.! It’s the size of a dime like it’s for a baby.! Complete false advertisement.! I will not buy anything else from this shop nor refer anyone.! Waste of my money.! Will be returning it for a refund.! DONT WANT IT.!
Hello, it's a $66 dollar pendant smaller than a quarter, this is shown on the 2nd image of the product description. It's smaller than a quarter as shown in the images. I'm not sure what you were expecting to get for this price but it's correct to the images. You can just return it as well.
10k Solid Gold PORTRAIT SQUARE BLOCK CUSTOMIZED Initial Letter Pendant
1 review
Regular price
This product is guaranteed certified 10 karat solid gold. Products are made in the U.SA.
Estos productos son de oro de 10 kilates garantizado. Productos hecho en U.S.A.
Signature confirmation is required in order to receive the item. If no one is available to sign for the item, the post office will hold it for pick up.
Return Policy
7 day money back guarantee.
Buyer pays return shipping cost.
Item must be in same condition when it was bought.
Immediate refund upon return.
NOTE: All 10k karat style jewelry will be stamped with either 10k or 417 stamp. 417 is another way of defining 10k, 417 is the gold purity contained in 10k which is 41.7% pure gold. Both 10k and 417 stamps can be use interchangeably.